A nasty Nor'Easter placed a lot of shipping out in the Basin anchorages on October 5th. AFL New England arrived mid-afternoon to an unusually crowded Basin with two tankers and a Post Panamax containership already at anchor.

German owned and operated SEACONGER lay upwind of Algoma 's ALGOSEA anchored off Rockimgham. ALGOSEA was the first to come to anchor in the morning. The largest vessel in the group was the big containership CANADA EXPRESS laying North of the Fairview Cove/Seaview Park area.

The angle of the big box boat's anchor cable attests to the wind strength. Hard to hold the camera still in the gusts!

ALGOSEA seemd to take the whole thing with a grain of salt,being very accustomed to riding out such things here in the past. All in all a busy day in the Basin.
Thanks for this very useful info you have provided us. I will bookmark this for future reference and refer it to my friends. More power to your blog.